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eNewie Technology
Source:     Release time:2024-07-22

It is the founder of domestic remote simultaneous transmission, and continues to lead the iterative upgrading of the interpretation industry, helping associations and enterprises to use language translation services more conveniently and efficiently. Four years. It has served more than 4,000 conferences, 98 cities, 23 countries, and, with the exception of Antarctica, uses its services all over the world. A large part of eNewie 's customers are business associations, and the use of remote communication technology has greatly helped business associations to go out and invite in in the past year, which has played a very good auxiliary role in promoting international exchanges.


As a Chinese core enterprise, eNewie has been cooperating closely with Alibaba, NetEase and Bosch since its inception, and has also been exploring with Guang foreign studies and Shanghai Foreign Studies in language teaching and other fields. Service is not only in China, we have our city partners in Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, as an industry leader, eNewie has always invested in product research and development, has obtained more than 50 patents and soft materials, and has obtained a number of certifications such as high-tech enterprise, specialized and special new enterprise, double soft certification, ICP certification, third-level guarantee certification, etc. Make the service of translation cattle smoother and safer. In contrast with traditional simultaneous transmission and AI simultaneous transmission, remote simultaneous transmission has huge cost advantages and quality advantages, and has become a new force in the simultaneous transmission industry, and will definitely become the main force in the future.

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