SITE Asia Pacific Leaders' Summit Schedule
Source:本站     Release time:2020-02-11
SITE Asia Pacific Leaders' Summit 

Host: SITE China Chapter Xiamen CVB and supported by SITE Global
Time: 14:00-18:00
Moderator: Alicia Yao(CIS),SITE Global board of director
Venue: Xiamen WutongFliport Hotel

13:00-14:00 registration

14:00-14:10 Welcome speech by Wang Qiongwen, Chairman, XMBCEA

14:10-14:25 Key Note speech: Hugo Slimbrouck,CIS,CITP, SITE past president
Director of Strategic Partnerships,Ovation Global DMC, MCI
Topic: Global Events management needs international talent

14:25-14:40 Key Note speech:Liu Ping 
SITE past board director SITE
Founder of China Star Group
Topic: How a best company attracts talent

14:40-15:55 speaker: Leo Tang
SITE China chapter ChairmanSITE
Topic: Technology leads the industry to upgrade

15:55-16:10Speaker:Max Boontawee Jantasuwan, CIS
SITE Thailand Chapter Chairman
CEO, Events Travel Asia
Topic: Incentive Travel Trends - 10 Things you need to know

16:10-16:25Speaker:Atulya Joshi
Co-chair Site YL India ChapterSITE
Director Sales ,Tourism India Management Enterprise Pvt. Ltd.
Topic: Design Inclusive Events Experience with unique local culture

SITE Japan Chapterrepresentative,(Preparatory committee)
General manager of Global MICE Department, JTB Global Marketing &Travel Inc. JTB
Topic: Management on Culture and Sport Events

16:40-16:55 Speaker:AshwinGunasekeran
Chief Executive Officer, Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau 
Topic: Creativity of Destination Promotion

16:55-17:10 speaker:Mint Leong
Managing Director, Sunflower Holidays
Topic: How to manage Chinese Huge MICE Group

17:10-17:25 Speaker: Erica Seo, CIS
Singapore SITE representative
Head of Sales, Asia Pacific, Pacific WorldMeetings & Events
Topic: Developing international Incentive Travel market”

17:25-17:40 Speaker: Irene Cheung
Hong KongSite representative
Rosy Sky Campaigns
Topic:Smart Design results Vivid Memories

17:40-17:55 speaker:Andres Rodriguez
Chief Marketing Officer, Bespoke Travel Company
Topic: Creativity with Cross Culture Management

17:55-18:00 closing

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