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Advisory Committee of China Business Event Industry Committee
Source:本站     Release time:2019-09-08
Advisory Committee of China Business Event Industry Committee

Committee mission:
The mission of the Advisory Committee is to provide consulting services and assistance to the China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC). The advisory committee is the authoritative guidance service agency of China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC). The organization consists of two co-chairs (one from China and one from abroad), two vice-chairmen (one from China and one from abroad), and several members.

Committee members:
Every member should be interested in the mission of China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC) and meet one or more of the following requirements:

1. With an outstanding professional background and a certain amount of network resources, it can provide professional support for China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC).

2. Representatives of professional and technical investment institutions (public or private) can provide positive assistance to China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC).

3. Able to rank among the political, business, industry associations, or other business convention and exhibition management industries that are vital to the growth of the China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC) with their own reputation.

The early goal of the advisory board is to recruit 8 to 14 members who meet the above requirements and expand to 15 to 20 in three years (including international and domestic consultants).

Committee chair:
The chairman of the advisory committee can be an individual or a co-chair composed of well-known figures at home and abroad. That is one chairman of the international advisory committee and one chairman of the domestic advisory committee as well as  one vice chairperson for the international and one vice chairperson for domestic.

Nomination Committee:
The elected chairman or co-chair of the advisory committee will assume the responsibilities of the nomination committee and the preparatory committee of the advisory committee together with the chairman and vice-chairman of China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC).

Member Duties:
The main duties of the members of the advisory committee are to understand the development goals, purposes and activities of China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC) and to provide personal opinions and suggestions for its development strategy and implementation plan. In order to perform the above duties, the members of the advisory committee should do the following:

1. Assist China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC) to find partners and work with the Federation to achieve its goals. Promote China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC) in the fields of business conference and exhibition, academia, industry association management, and politics, to reflect the diversity of China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC), to increase the visibility of China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC) in a wider context

2. Reasonably analyze and solve the problems faced by China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC), help improve the efficiency of China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC), and provide professional technical knowledge for China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC).

3. Make recommendations to the council on the development direction and policies of the Federation, evaluate the work and results of the Federation, and make recommendations to the council on the operation of the Federation in addition to the daily management work.

4. Participate in the decision or plan of the Federation's major activities and make comments on the Federation's major activities.

5. Promote the contact and cooperation between the Federation and relevant research institutions in various countries, and promote the coordination and coordination of professional academic activities in the field of business alliances and exhibitions of the alliance.

Term of office:
The advisory committee implements a nomination system. The term of office of elected members is two years, but they can be re-elected indefinitely.

Financial aid:
We hope that the members of the advisory committees can regard the running of the China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC) as one of the important goals of their professional industry and provide them with financial and material support.

According to different events held by China Business Event Industry Committee (CBEIC), members of the Advisory Committee are hired to pay the consultants' transportation, accommodation, labor, and consulting fees.

Meeting time:
The Advisory Committee meets at least once a year in Beijing. The remaining meetings will be held on-site or in the form of conferences call when needed. The advisory committee determines the time of the meeting each year and informs the advisory members in a timely manner.

Chronology of major meetings:
March 1, 2018 Establishment of Chairman or Bureau

March 18, 2018 Finalization of Candidates for Advisory Committee

April 1, 2018 Determine the members of the first advisory committee

June 24, 2018 The first advisory committee member meeting was held in Beijing

Advisory Committee Representative

Number of Advisory Committee Members:
10 international representatives and 10 domestic representatives

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